Tim’s Talk HR – Advantages of a Remote Workplace

remote workplace

We have witnessed tremendous change in the workplace since the lockdowns imposed in early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us were new to remote work and the drastic changes we were forced to make to run our organizations effectively. Telework is an excellent option for recruiting and retaining talent worldwide—but it works well for some and not so well for others. 

Tim’s presentation discusses how the remote workplace is changing to accommodate employees and why providing a telecommuting workplace for employees provides advantages to both workers and their employers.

  • Learn how technology has blurred the line between work and personal time
  • Discuss findings and statistics from the most flexible workplaces
  • Identify the needs and expectations of each generation
  • Learn how employers can add flexibility to the workplace without compromising quality or productivity
  • Understand the disadvantages 

As employers scramble to meet the demand for remote work, many organizations are saying all the right things to prospective employees without being dedicated to, or effective at, building a healthy, high-performing remote or hybrid workplace. Not all remote workplaces are equal, and the flexibility afforded by remote work is less valuable when the remote workplace doesn’t offer a good connection or a solid underlying culture.