In Sacramento, California two road rage incidents occurred virtually at the same time according to The Sacramento Bee. One incident took place on Interstate 80 and the other took place at a local drive-thru. Both involved shootings that resulted in injury. The article went on to recap three other incidents that had taken place in the Sacramento area within the last year.
Has this just become a part of everyday life? The answer, unfortunately, seems to be yes.
Road Rage is On the Rise
Fatal accidents caused by enraged drivers have increased nearly 10 fold since 2004 according to The National Traffic Safety Administration. In 2004, police attributed 26 fatal crashes on our nation’s highways to aggression. In 2013, the number increased to 247.
Official DMV Guide
It is pretty telling that road rage is here to stay when the Department of Motor Vehicles officially recognizes and provides a guide about road rage.
On their website, the DMV provides suggestions on “how to deal with it”:
- Back off from aggressive drivers
- Know your own driving style
- Do not be an instigator
- Maintain defensive driving skills
I would be surprised if there is a driver out there today who hasn’t been a target of some kind of road rage or felt it themselves. When I have felt anger toward another driver, it was usually because I was already in a bad mood, tired, or harboring negative feelings about something that happened earlier that day. We must remember that not all driving is aimed at us personally. We as drivers must be aware that there are good choices and bad choices when confronted with road rage. Anger on our highways does not have to end in violence. We must all learn how to control anger.
Order Life Rage Today
If you are looking to learn more about road rage contact Author Timothy A. Dimoff at He will sign and ship it to you or you can come by his Akron, Ohio office between the hours of 9 am-5 pm, Monday through Friday to obtain the book! The cost is $20 plus shipping and handling.