retaining customers, ethical workforce, respect, positive workplace culture, Timothy Dimoff

Give Back to Achieve Success

It is better to give than to receive. But when considering what truly makes someone successful in life, this saying forms the foundation of real personal and professional success.  Do Good, and Good Will Come to You The Law of Attraction stresses the importance of minding your mind. If you want success in life, you must help others to succeed. Sounds simple, right? The good news is that helping others will also improve your well-being and bolster your professional success.  Success is More than Wealth People can achieve wealth and influence by putting others down, playing dirty, and stepping...

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Schedule Forward to Make Time for Networking

Schedule Backwards to Increase Networking Opportunities

In the fast-paced world of sales and marketing, networking isn’t just important—it’s essential. Yet, too often, networking becomes a when I have time activity rather than a strategic priority. For professionals aiming to excel, intentional and consistent networking should be a cornerstone of their strategy. Here’s why.  The Power of Connections The adage It’s not what you know, but who you know is true now more than ever. Networking isn’t just about meeting people; it’s about creating opportunities through those connections. In 2023, according to LinkedIn, 85% of jobs were filled through networking, underscoring its critical role in career...

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retaining customers, customer care

It’s the Little Things that Win and Keep Customers

Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to get new customers and how they keep those same customers year after year?  It’s not as complicated as you may think. The secret is good old common courtesy! Showing respect and goodwill towards your customers goes a long way to ensure they will remain loyal. Small Opportunities Translate Into Customer Loyalty Have you ever tried to call a company or organization? Sometimes there is no phone number, and even if there is one, it often rolls to voicemail. Sometimes the person on the other end of the phone or...

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