Timothy Dimoff Kindness Matters

Kindness is the Cornerstone for Personal and Business Success

Kindness remains a cornerstone of personal and business success, but recent trends highlight its even greater importance in today’s fast-paced, digitally driven world. According to a 2023 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, acts of kindness not only improve the recipient’s mood but significantly boost the mental health of the giver. Giving Back The principle of giving back resonates strongly in today’s interconnected society. The Law of Reciprocity suggests that acts of kindness create a ripple effect, leading to mutual benefits in professional and personal relationships. Research from Harvard Business Review confirms that leaders who practice generosity...

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Maintain and Attain Happiness

A Master Plan to Attain and Maintain Happiness

The holiday season is upon us, and a heightened stress level comes with it. To keep stress in check, it’s essential to approach the season—and life in general—with a master plan for attaining and maintaining joy.   Finding the Silver Lining Humans naturally dwell on the negative, a phenomenon known as negativity bias. Research from the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2023 emphasizes that this bias often stems from evolutionary survival instincts but can be reprogrammed. New studies reveal that practicing mindfulness reduces the effects of negativity bias by 30% in just eight weeks. Incorporating gratitude journaling can also help...

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retaining customers, ethical workforce, respect, positive workplace culture, Timothy Dimoff

The Interpersonal Habits of Successful People

Success is often attributed to talent, hard work, and opportunity. However, an often-overlooked aspect of success lies in interpersonal habits. How we interact with others, communicate, and build relationships can significantly impact our journey toward achieving our goals. Active Listening: One of the most crucial habits that successful individuals possess is the ability to listen actively. Recent studies have shown active listening improves understanding, builds trust, and fosters effective collaboration. Successful people take the time to genuinely listen to others, ask clarifying questions, and demonstrate empathy. They understand that proper communication is a two-way street and valuable insights can...

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live to work, work life balance

Do You Live to Work or Work to Live?

People have different values and priorities, so their approach to work may vary. Some people may feel a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment from their work and prioritize it over other aspects of their lives. They may think that their work is essential to their identity, and they live to work. On the other hand, some people see work as a means to an end and prioritize different aspects of their lives, such as family, friends, hobbies, or personal development. They work to live and may see their job supporting their desired lifestyle. Ultimately, this question has no...

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Career Mentoring

Career Mentoring is Key for Success

You only know as much as you know. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? Most people do not acknowledge this, especially those struggling to succeed in life. However, once this fact is acknowledged, there is an opportunity to step outside yourself and seek the help of another to further your professional life. That outside person is a mentor. Role Models and Fresh Perspectives According to the American Society for Training and Development, 75% of executives say mentoring is an important element for career development. We are social creatures after all, so turning to a trusted advisor who provides valuable knowledge, insight...

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Effective Networking is Relationship Building

Tips to Evolve Everyday Networking into Relationship Building

By now everyone knows the most important way to find new customers, partners, employees, vendors or a job is by networking. If you are not talking to other professionals you are not growing professionally, bottom line. However, networking is not just meeting as many people as possible and hoping something “sticks”. The key is to evolve everyday networking into relationship building. This is where people who make a good first impression shine. The good news is, you can too by adopting simple tips to set the right tone and put your best foot forward during the initial contact. Adopt...

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