employee burnout, burnout

Employee Burnout can be Averted with Early Detection

Are you dealing with a once enthusiastic, high-functioning employee who now struggles with punctuality and job performance? If so, they may be experiencing employee burnout—a condition detrimental to individual productivity and overall office morale. Understanding Employee Burnout Burnout can spiral out of control like a smoldering flame if not addressed promptly. A recent report from Indeed found that employee burnout is rising: 52% of all workers feel burned out, up +9% from a pre-COVID survey. Employees of all ages and types are experiencing the impact of stress, fatigue, and mental health challenges. Furthermore, burnout leads to high healthcare costs, ranging from...

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business continuity plan

7-Point Business Continuity Checklist During Times of Crisis

Suppose you’re running a very successful business with employees who depend on you for their livelihood. If a crisis were to happen  –  a tornado, fire, or intentional harmful act – would you be able to recover and put people back to work in a timely fashion? Here are seven measures that can help to protect your business and prepare it for the worst-case scenario. 7 Point Business Continuity Preparedness Checklist Know your natural disaster risks. You may be at risk for earthquakes if your business is in certain parts of California. In Florida, hurricanes. New Orleans, floods. Ohio’s...

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flexible work arrangements

Flexible Workplace Arrangements Benefit All

Are you struggling with employee turnover and high hiring costs? Do you want to boost your workers’ productivity? Want to provide more work-life balance for your employees? Consider making your business a flexible workplace. “People will not return to work as they have in a pre-pandemic world. Flexibility is the new norm and expectation from employees. This trend will continue for many years ahead. “There is plenty of debate about remote work, and I recently had a chance to experience it myself. I think remote work can be an effective employment tool. Still, in my opinion, the most effective...

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smart hiring

4 Keys You Must Know to Start Hiring Smarter

In business, the only thing that’s constant is that things change all the time. That includes employees. Employees leave for many reasons, from finding new and better opportunities to getting laid off. Whatever the reason, employees leaving can have a profound effect on your business, especially if you have a small business.  The void they leave must be addressed, often finding someone to pick up their workload. You now need to run an ad, comb through resumes, interview people, and ultimately offer someone a job and hope that person is the right fit. Hiring Smarter Pillar 1: Understand the...

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