Hidden Bias Causes Workplace Bullying

How Diversity and Inclusion Can Drive Down Hidden Bias

  Have you ever looked around your office and noticed that the managers are primarily men? The clerical workers are predominantly women? That you have very few people of color as employees? These observations may go unnoticed in the day-to-day work environment, but addressing these issues is the only way to change. What is Hidden Bias? It appears at the unconscious level based on upbringing, identity, culture, and mass media. It shapes the way you view people and how you behave towards them. These differences could include several characteristics, such as: height and weight, introversion and extroversion, marital status,...

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employee threats, Workplace bullying, bullying at work, Timothy Dimoff

7 Steps to Stop Workplace Bullying

Have you ever repeatedly experienced the following at work: Name-calling Shaming in public Intimidation Verbal abuse Pranks People leaving you out of conversations Managers giving you partial instructions or Having your work efforts sabotaged? If so, you’ve been bullied. Unfortunately, none of the behaviors listed above are illegal. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), 19% of all US employees have been bullying victims. 61% of bullies are bosses, which correlates with the statistic that 65% of bullying victims are either fired or resign. Bullying, left unchecked, decreases workplace safety, increases absenteeism, and impacts employee morale. It creates a...

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post COVID-19 challenges, coronavirus, COVID-19, coronavirus and the workplace

Coronavirus and The Workplace: Keeping You Safe and Healthy

Whether you’re going into work every day or telecommuting, COVID-19 is on the minds of everyone. Here are common questions many employees are asking.   Coronavirus and the Workplace Q&A My company has been deemed essential, yet I feel uncomfortable going into work. Can I work from home? The straight answer is no — your boss doesn’t have to allow you to telecommute. However, it often depends on what you do for the organization. If you work in a plant, you’ll have to report. However, if you’re in accounting or marketing, it’s possible to make a case to stay...

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Timothy Dimoff - Electronic Surveillance at Work

The Fine Line Between Electronic Surveillance and Employee Privacy

With the advent of social media and new digital surveillance methods, it’s a brand-new world in terms of what you can and cannot do to monitor or investigate an employee. Before your employee privacy policy is forever compromised and your company culture is permanently damaged, it is up to you as an employer to weigh the pros and cons of employee electronic surveillance in the workplace. Productivity vs. Privacy The average America spends 2.5 hours per day on their mobile device(s). We take our smartphones to work, on vacation — basically, anywhere and everywhere with us. Staying connected is...

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Risky Employees Can Hurt Company Culture

Practical Guide to Spotting Risky Employees

Hiring is always a tricky situation. Unless the candidate is a friend, HR must take a lot on faith alone. There are definite red flags during the hiring process that present themselves and help HR spot risky employees. But what if there are no flags? Can the organization be confident that the employee is a beneficial addition to the team? Not always. In fact, someone may look great on paper, sound great during the interview and even perform well in the first couple of months. However, after the honeymoon phase is over, the “risky” employee may emerge out of...

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