Empower Our School Children to See Something, Say Something

The Urgent Need for Vigilance in Schools

Would it alarm you to know there has been a school shooting in almost every state this year? While many remained unreported in the national news because there were no deaths or injuries, guns were still involved, and shots were fired. While debates about gun control continue, one aspect that demands immediate attention is empowering students and school administrators to take proactive steps to ensure their safety.

The Current Landscape: A Statistical Overview

According to the Gun Violence Project, there have been 1,100 reported incidents of school violence in 2023 alone. There has been a 417% increase in the number of school shootings between 2017 and 2022, according to the K-12 School Shooting Database.

The Challenge: Why Students Hesitate to Report

cybersecurity threats, See Something, Say Something at School

Students often refrain from reporting suspicious behavior due to fears of being labeled a snitch, doubts about the seriousness of the threat, or reluctance to cause trouble for peers. This hesitancy can have dire consequences. Researchers have found that only 13 percent of students report pathway behaviors, although students were more likely to report the behavior if they saw it multiple times in separate instances.

A Call to Action: Empowering Students Anonymously

Our primary focus should be providing students with anonymous, accessible channels to report concerns. Despite existing resources like the Safe School Helpline, awareness among students is low.

Implementing Effective Communication Strategies

Listen to TIm’s interview about the Nashville shooting and ways to prevent school shootings.

To bridge this gap, schools must implement comprehensive communication strategies:

  1. Introduce reporting channels on the first day of school and regularly after that.
  2. Display clear information about anonymous tip lines and websites throughout the school premises.
  3. Incorporate discussions about the importance of reporting into the curriculum, especially following an incident of school violence.
  4. Make sure all exterior doors are locked during regular school hours. Check the locks daily to ensure they are not jammed or broken.
  5. Have only one point of entry for visitors. Put in place software that captures the visitor’s driver’s license and form information before buzzing them into the school.
  6. Ensure that all staff and students always wear the proper credentials and do not let visitors into the school without appropriate credentials, even if they know them.
  7. Use security cameras and monitor them at all times. Keep footage for the entire school year.

Moving Beyond the Status Quo

We cannot afford to remain passive with this ongoing threat. It’s time to move beyond acknowledging the problem to taking decisive action. Schools must be equipped with resources and a culture of awareness and responsibility.

Your Role in Making a Difference

As parents, grandparents, educators, and community members, you ensure these critical resources and messages reach every student. Discuss them at home, in classrooms, and community forums. It’s only through collective effort and communication that we can make a difference.

Timothy Dimoff is Committed to Safer School Strategies

Tim is dedicated to addressing these crucial issues as a speaker, national expert witness, and author. Contact him for speaking engagements at your organization for more insights and actionable steps on enhancing school safety and other societal challenges.